Thursday, December 07, 2006


1. This is Mopsy pouting by the stairs every morning before Jenn and I leave for class. The sun shines on our "poor little angel" to backlight her perfectly. It was tough leaving for school when Mopsy did this to us.

2. Here is Mopsy on her first camping trip in Payson, AZ. She is the model of camping safety with her baby blue harness and red safety light. Yes, Mopsy is pouting again because she does not particularly enjoy camping, I don't enjoy camping either, Jenn was the only one smiling during this camping trip.

3. Somehow Jenn snuck a photo of Mopsy and I discussing the dog-freindly landscaping design of our backyard and the fact that a true martini is made from gin and not vodka!

4. Happy, smiling, and frolicking at Cosmo Dog Park. Mopsy flies through the K-9 obstacles with the utmost of ease. Jenn thinks she looks like a teddy bear in this pic...

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