She's Hypo-Allergenic!Yup, Jenn and I picked up Mopsy at a petshop! That may sound despicable to the purists out there who would never support puppy mills, petshop "mutts", or any pet business that isn't the Humane Society, BUT we were exactly the same way up until we saw her. We spent the rest of the day playing with and realizing our total adoration of this little puppy.
That night we scoured the internet about Havanese, local breeders, and the market value of the breed. When all was said and done, we realized that it wasn't about a Havanese, or the $1000 markup, but about this one-of-a-kind dog...
The next morning we skipped class to be the first customers at the petshop... she was still there and we closed the deal. On our way out of the mall, the first comment about Mopsy wasn't, "What a cute little puppy!" or "I can't believe you support puppy mills!" but "Wow, a Havanese, they are hypo-allergenic..." I haven't forgotten that comment and I believe that it is not her unique coloring, her little white boots, her awesome disposition, or her ability to leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but the fact that she is hypo-allergenic that makes me love this dog so much!