Thursday, December 07, 2006


1. This is Mopsy pouting by the stairs every morning before Jenn and I leave for class. The sun shines on our "poor little angel" to backlight her perfectly. It was tough leaving for school when Mopsy did this to us.

2. Here is Mopsy on her first camping trip in Payson, AZ. She is the model of camping safety with her baby blue harness and red safety light. Yes, Mopsy is pouting again because she does not particularly enjoy camping, I don't enjoy camping either, Jenn was the only one smiling during this camping trip.

3. Somehow Jenn snuck a photo of Mopsy and I discussing the dog-freindly landscaping design of our backyard and the fact that a true martini is made from gin and not vodka!

4. Happy, smiling, and frolicking at Cosmo Dog Park. Mopsy flies through the K-9 obstacles with the utmost of ease. Jenn thinks she looks like a teddy bear in this pic...

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"So that is what they mean by SILVER."

Remember the black puppy with the cool white socks for paws? Apparently, when a Havanese has the color "Silver" it means that their black fur only stays with them as a puppy and their underlying gray fur grows out, making them SILVER!
I like to think of Mopsy going through different fur upgrades, currently she is Mopsy Version 3.0! The first picture is her first major haircut. The second picture is not a stuffed woodland creature toy, but Mopsy with her impostor Schanuzer haircut... She had to get her fur shaved close because we let it get really matted. The third and fourth pictures are previews of Mopsy's Fantastic First Birthday Bash! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mopsy and her Red Balloon Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

"O woe is me..."
Mopsy sat and pouted when she found out that Usher, Ludacris, and Lil' John would not be performing at her first birthday bash on October 1st. Ashlee Simpson was available to perform but Mopsy thinks she totally sucks, so we politely declined the offer. I blame the MTV show "My Super Sweet Sixteen" for Mopsy's recent "Diva-esque" actions. She normally isn't like this... honest!
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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Jenn and I were lucky enough to get tickets for Wicked the musical. I think Mopsy was jealous that she couldn't come along, so she decided to audition for the part of Dorothy's Toto at a local theater. She felt it was important for us to take pictures of her in a basket to include in her "portfolio." I swear it was Mopsy's idea to take this picture!
Hickory Dickory Dock...
These playground "gears" remind me of that nursery rhyme. Now that I am older, "Hickory Dickory Dock" makes absolutely zero sense to me, much like these plastic gears make absolutely no sense to a Havanese puppy. I think it's time we go back inside the house and watch DOG the Bounty Hunter! HOLLER!
Here Comes Trouble!
Mopsy loves cruising around the local malls and petstores. In fact, she actually had the audacity to ask me to get her a car. I thought I could fool her with this "car" but as you can see she was NOT amused! You can practically see her grumbling, "Are you kidding me?" She is one SMART spoiled brat!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Havanese as a retriever ? ? ? Low flying ducks BEWARE! Don't let the cute looks fool you, with her bionic x-ray vision she can nab mallards out of the sky! Other kids get their baby shoes bronzed, but Mopsy gets her first duck sent to the taxidermist. Hooray! (Note: Mopsy actually brushed her hair for this picture!)
Barely taller than a blade of grass...
This picture was taken in January 2006, she was barely 5 lbs back then. Supposedly she will be 11-15 lbs by the time she is all grown up. That means a lot more dog food, socks, paper, and unsuspecting stuffed animals to feed the mighty beast!
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

She's Hypo-Allergenic!
Yup, Jenn and I picked up Mopsy at a petshop! That may sound despicable to the purists out there who would never support puppy mills, petshop "mutts", or any pet business that isn't the Humane Society, BUT we were exactly the same way up until we saw her. We spent the rest of the day playing with and realizing our total adoration of this little puppy.
That night we scoured the internet about Havanese, local breeders, and the market value of the breed. When all was said and done, we realized that it wasn't about a Havanese, or the $1000 markup, but about this one-of-a-kind dog...
The next morning we skipped class to be the first customers at the petshop... she was still there and we closed the deal. On our way out of the mall, the first comment about Mopsy wasn't, "What a cute little puppy!" or "I can't believe you support puppy mills!" but "Wow, a Havanese, they are hypo-allergenic..." I haven't forgotten that comment and I believe that it is not her unique coloring, her little white boots, her awesome disposition, or her ability to leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but the fact that she is hypo-allergenic that makes me love this dog so much!
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WELCOME! To "HelloMopsy" a dental student's weblog about the greatest little Havanese puppy ever, MOPSY. We've only had Mopsy for a few months, yet she has already enriched our lives sooo much. This may seem odd to some, but all dog lovers know exactly what I'm talking about! As you learn about life with Mopsy, hopefully, you will also learn about the Havanese breed, raising a wonderfully cute puppy, and finding out what dental students do with their spare time! Posted by Picasa